Getting Started

How It Works

The Formulas

The Ultimate Reset Drops

The Reset Program formula that you know and love, just got Ultimate! This proprietary formula is now equipped with advanced anti-inflammatory properties, which work along with our hypothalamus-stimulating signals to not only help your body burn fat, but also to eliminate the stubborn roadblocks to weight loss that are caused by inflammation in the body.


The Systemic Detox

Our Systemic Detox Formula is a powerful addition to our program. Over the course of the last four years, this formula has continuously amazed our customers. Not only does it aid in cleansing newly-released toxins (as fat is burned, deeply-hidden toxins are released into the body), but it is also powerful in clearing out toxins already in circulation in the body. This has resulted in many customers reporting clearer skin, better energy levels, and an overall sense of well-being!



The Reset Super Boost 

Our Zip-It Formula got a makeover! A new addition to the Reset Program family of products, this formula has the same great craving-eliminating properties of the Zip-It, but also helps to reduce water-retention, fight the inflammation-causing reactions in the body, as well as support the body against food sensitivities. Food sensitivities contribute to inflammation in the body but will not cause an allergic reaction. This revolutionary formula helps the body to detox/calm these sensitivities, which will result in better digestion, a reduction of inflammation, which in turn helps to keep the body from holding onto fat.

The Food

Healthy Eating Made Easy

Dieting is never fun, but does it really need to be torturous? Many diets involve harsh food restrictions, extremely low-calorie intakes, and are very hard on the body. The Reset Program is different in this way. We offer two different meal plan options that help you lose weight in a safe and healthy way. Our aim is not only to help you the results you want but to help you keep the weight off.

Customized Food List

As a new feature of our program, we are looking to support the body against food sensitivities. Studies have shown that eating foods that we may unknowingly be sensitive to, or even mildly allergic to causes inflammation in the body, inhibits normal digestion, and causes weight gain. By running a 5-minute Food Sensitivity Scan, we can provide you with a personalized list of foods that will help maximize your health and well-being, as well as your weight loss. Special Note: Food Scans are only available in-office or via Virtual Appointment for those who own a cradle.

1200 Calorie Menu

Our 1200 Calorie program was originally designed with foods that have anti-inflammatory properties. By offering you a reasonable amount of calories each day, you can mix and match foods to build your own meals. This allows you to have greater flexibility in your program. You can continue to enjoy food, while making healthier choices! This menu option will work well with our formulas, which are now also geared towards calming and detoxing food sensitivity responses in the body.